Archive for September, 2007|Monthly archive page


Phnom Penh to Siam Reap




Friendship poem


The A-Z Friendship

A friend…


Accepts you as you are

Believes in you

Calls you just to say “Hi”

Doesn’t give up on you

Envisions the whole of you (Even the unfinished parts)

Forgives your mistakes Continue reading

Khmer Yantra

To read this document please click on(yantra.pdf)




Mr.Pen Makara, my friend who actually work for NGO,  sent this poem to me. I decide to publish. 

Description about corruption

To read this, please click on roman.pdf


Linguistics is the scientific study of language

 Linguistics is the scientific study of language, which can be theoretical or applied. Someone who engages in this study is called a linguist.

Theoretical (or general) linguistics encompasses a number of sub-fields, such as the study of language structure (grammar) and meaning (semantics). The study of grammar encompasses morphology (formation and alteration of words) and syntax (the rules that determine the way words combine into phrases and sentences). Also a part of this field are phonology, the study of sound systems and abstract sound units, and phonetics, which is concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds (phones), non-speech sounds, and how they are produced and perceived. Continue reading



            Onomatopoeia is words whose sound imitates either the sound they denote or a sound associated with something they denote. This thesis investigates how the Khmer lexicon is structured with respect to onomatopoeia, its productivity and cross language similarities in certain area of sound symbolism. Continue reading